Wersja polska English Version
Centralne Laboratorium Ochrony Radiologicznej
Artykuły: T. Wardaszko
Authors: Wardaszko, T., Radwan, I., and Pietrzak-Flis, Z.
Title: Radioactive contamination of rivers and lakes in Poland in 1994-2000
Journal:  Biblioteka Monitoringu Środowiska, Warszawa, 2001.
Year: 2001
Authors: Radwan, I.,  Pietrzak-Flis, Z.,  Wardaszko, T.
Title: Tritium in surface water, tap water and in precipitation in Poland in the period of 1994-1999
Journal: Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 247(1), 71-77.
Year: 2001

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