The ARCADIA project has been
conceived so as to provide a twofold support to
the further development of nuclear research
programs in the NMS, targeting two major areas
included in the Strategic Research and
Innovation Agenda of SNETP: ESNII, through the
support of the ALFRED project towards its
realization in Romania, and NUGENIA, approaching
remaining safety aspects of Gen III/III+ that
could be built in Lithuania, Poland ,Czech
Republic and Slovenia.
On one hand, it focuses on
the identification of the primary needs for the
ALFRED project, mainly to what concerns E&T,
supporting Infrastructures and Regulatory
aspects (and integrating – for the R&D needs –
the outcomes of other research projects in a
common frame of National and Regional needs); on
the other hand, it investigates the existing
National and Regional supporting structures –
with a particular attention to the ones in
Romania and in all the participating New Member
States – for defining a map of competences
potentially eligible to satisfy the previously
identified needs.
The entire work dedicated
to ALFRED project will be performed within the
frame of strategic orientations to be compiled
for the ALFRED project, and with the scientific,
technical and regulatory advising of the
constituting provisional ALFRED consortium on
one side, and of the Romanian Regulatory Body on
the other side.
Finally, Networking, Cooperation
and Dissemination activities will provide the
connection with the international scientific
community, with the European institutional
organizations and with the general public, for
ensuring the soundness and palatability of both
Gen III/III+ and ALFRED projects in general.
Radiation Protection Glossary
Comprehensive glossary and a Polish dictionary of English terminology used in nuclear physics, nuclear safety, safeguards, radiobiology and transport of radioactive materials.
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