Wersja polska English Version
Centralne Laboratorium Ochrony Radiologicznej
Artykuły: K. Mamont-Cieśla
Authors: Smagała, G., Sterliński, S., Grabowski, D., Isajenko, K., Lipiński, P., Kamińska, I., Suplińska, M., Tańczyk, R.
Title: The results of measurements of raw and building materials in Poland in the context of the indoor Rn-222 concentration limitation
Journal: The Science of the Total Environment, 272, 105-106.
Year: 2000
Authors: Karpińska, M., Wołkowicz S., Mnich Z., Zaleski, M., Mamont-Cieśla, K., and Kapała, J. 
Title: Radon concentration in selected areas of Suvalki region
Journal: Przegląd Geologiczny, 50(6), 521-525 (in polish).
Year: 2002
Authors:  Karpińska, M., Wołkowicz, St., Mnich, Z., Zaleski, M., Mamont-Cieśla, K., Kapała, J., Antonowicz, K., and Kaczmarek, M. 
Title: Measurement of short-lived radon daugters in the CLOR Radon Calibration Chamber
Journal: Report ICHTJ, Series A, Nr 2/2002, 296-302 (in polish). 
Year: 2002
Authors: Mamont-Cieśla, K., and Kusyk, M., 
Title: Radiological Characteristic of an Area Reclaimed by means of an Ash – Gravel Power Plants Wastes
Journal: Conference of Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology: Nuclear Techniques in Industry, Medicine, Agriculture and Environmental Protection, Warszawa, Poland, 17–19 April 2002.
Year: 2002
Authors: Żak, A., Biernacka, M., Kusyk, M., Mamont-Cieśla, K., Florowska, K., 
Title: Measurement of Radon Progeny at the Radon Reference Chamber of CLOR
Journal: Conference of Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology: Nuclear Techniques in Industry, Medicine, Agriculture and Environmental Protection, Warszawa, Poland, 17–19 April 2002.
Year: 2002

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