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Centralne Laboratorium Ochrony Radiologicznej
Artykuły: P. Lipiński
Authors: Arnold, D., Biernacka, M., Fischer, U., Isajenko, K., Jagielak, J., Lipiński, P.,  Wershofen, H., Żak, A., and Zarucki, R.
Title: Practical Experience and Improvements in Aerosol Sampling  for Trace Analysis of Airborne Radionuclides in Ground Level Air (Part II: 1993-1998)
Journal: Report PTB-Ra-42, Braunschweig, September 2000.
Year: 2000
Authors: Lipiński, P., Biernacka, M., and Isajenko, K.
Title: Exposure to natural radiation in the Euoratom Directive and Polish Low
Journal: Biuletyn PAA: Bezpieczeństwo Jądrowe i Ochrona Radiologiczna, vol. 4(44),  42-48.
Year: 2000
Authors: Lipiński, P., Isajenko, K., and Żak, A.
Title: Development of the aerosol sampling stations (ASS-500) for an early warning system
Journal: Polish Journal of Medical Physics and Engineering, vol. 6(1), 41-49.
Year: 2000
Authors: Isajenko, K.,  Biernacka, M., Henschke, J., and Lipiński, P.
Title: Radiological Monitoring of the Coastal Area of the Baltic Sea in Poland
Journal:  Proceedings of a seminar held at Hasseludden Conference Centre, Stockholm, 9-11 June 1998. Edited by S. P. Nielsen: Radiological Protection 110, The radiological exposure of the population of the European Community to radioactivity in the Baltic Sea”, Marina-Balt Project, EUR 19200 EN, 2000, 349-358.
Year: 2000
Authors: Biernacka, M., Isajenko, K., Lipiński, P., and Żak, A.
Title: Radioactivity of the Baszkówka meteorite
Journal: Geological Quarterly, vol. 45(3), 327-329. 
Year: 2001
Authors: Bysiek, M., Biernacka, M., and  Lipiński, P.
Title: Radioactivity of ground-level air in Poland. Results from ASS-500 stations network
Journal: Proceedings of the Third International Meeting on Low-Level Air Radioactivity Monitoring, 25-29 September 2000, Dąbrówno near Nidzica, Poland, Nukleonika, 2001, vol. 46(4), 171-174.
Year: 2001
Authors: Lipiński, P., Biernacka, M., and Isajenko, K.
Title: Polish Radiological Monitoring Networks (ASS-500, PMS, SPSP Systems) 
Journal: Proceedings of international conference: First Annual Meeting on Radiological Monitoring and Information Systems in Baltic Sea States, Falenty near Warszawa, 14-16 June 2000.
Year: 2001
Authors: Lipiński, P., Isajenko, K., Biernacka, M., and Żak, A.
Title: Integration of Polish Monitoring Networks (ASS-500 and PMS systems) 
Journal: Proceedings of the Third International Meeting on Low-Level Air Radioactivity Monitoring, 25-29 September 2000, Dąbrówno near Nidzica, Poland, Nukleonika, 2001, vol. 46(4), 143-146.
Year: 2001
Authors: Isajenko, K., and Lipiński P. 
Title: Radiological characteristics of the site that was remediated with asch and boiler slug mixture of combustion coal origin
Journal: Raporty Instytutu Chemii i Techniki Jądrowej. Seria A. Technika jądrowa w przemyśle, medycynie, rolnictwie i ochronie środowiska, Nr 2, 454-461. 
Year: 2002
Authors: Isajenko, K., Lipiński, P., Bekiert, W.
Title: Mobile Spectrometric Laboratory (in Polish) 
Journal: Report ICHTJ, Series A, nr 2/2002, 462–467.
Year: 2002
Authors: Lipiński, P., Biernacka, M., Isajenko, K., Żak, A.
Title: Integration of Polish Monitoring Networks (ASS-500 and PMS Systems) 
Journal:  Proceedings of the Third International Meeting on Low-Level Air Radioactivity Monitoring, Dąbrówno near Nidzica, Poland, 25–29 September 2000. Warsaw, November 2002.
Year: 2002
Authors: Biernacka, M., Isajenko, K., Lipiński, P.
Title: Aerosol Sampling and Measurements in Poland by means of ASS-500 Station. 
Journal: Proceedings of the Seminar on Sampling Techniques, Radiochemical Methods, Detectors and Measurements, Risoe National Laboratory, Denmark, 4–8 November 2002, 113–114.
Year: 2002
Authors: Isajenko, K., Lipiński, P., Bekiert, W.
Title: Permanent Monitoring System (PMS) in Poland
Journal: Proceedings of the Third International Meeting on Low-Level Air Radioactivity Monitoring, Dąbrówno near Nidzica, Poland, 25–29 September 2000. Warsaw, November 2002.
Year: 2002
Authors: Isajenko, K., Lipiński, P.
Title: Permanent Monitoring System (PMS) and Aerosol Sampling Stations (ASS-500) Monitoring Networks in Poland
Journal: Proceedings of the Seminar on Monitoring Strategies and Programmes, Risoe National Laboratory, Denmark, 30 September – 2 October 2002, 59–69. 
Year: 2002
Authors: Lipiński, P., Bekiert, W., Isajenko, K., et al.
Title: Radiological Monitoring of the Environment in the Surrounding of Radioactive Wastes Repository in Różan
Journal: Proceedings of the Seminar on Radioactive Waste, Modelling and Dose Assessment, Risoe National Laboratory, 2–6 December 2002, 119–121.
Year: 2002
Authors: Bysiek, M., Biernacka, M., Lipiński, P.
Title: Radioactivity of Ground – Level Air in Poland in 1998–1999. Results from ASS-500 Station Network.
Journal: Proceedings of the Third International Meeting on Low-Level Air Radioactivity Monitoring, Dąbrówno near Nidzica, Poland, 25-29 September 2000. Warsaw, November 2002.
Year: 2002
Authors: Bysiek, M., Isajenko, K., Lipiński, P., 
Title: ASS-500 stations network
Journal: XXI th All-Polish Meeting: Present problems of radiological protection and protection against HF electromagnetic fields, Myczkowce, Poland, 20–24 May 2002.
Year: 2002
Authors: Isajenko, K., Lipiński, P., Bekiert
Title: Mobile spectrometric laboratory
Journal: XXI th All-Polish Meeting: Present problems of radiological protection and protection against HF electromagnetic fields, Myczkowce, Poland, 20–24 May 2002.
Year: 2002
Authors: Isajenko, K., Lipiński, P.
Title: International exercise Barents – Rescue 2001
Journal: XXI th All-Polish Meeting: Present problems of radiological protection and protection against HF electromagnetic fields, Myczkowce, Poland, 20–24 May 2002.
Year: 2002
Authors: Lipiński, P.
Title: Nuclear materials
Journal: XXI th All-Polish Meeting: Present problems of radiological protection and protection against HF electromagnetic fields, Myczkowce, Poland, 20–24 May 2002.
Year: 2002
Authors: Żak, A., Lipiński, P
Title: Building materials
Journal: XXI th All-Polish Meeting: Present problems of radiological protection and protection against HF electromagnetic fields, Myczkowce, Poland, 20–24 May 2002.
Year: 2002
Authors: Isajenko, K., Lipiński, P., 
Title: Mobile spectrometric laboratory-equipment and application
Journal: Conference on detection of nuclear and radioactive substances taking into account quality of monitoring systems, Dychów, Poland, 9–11 September 2002.
Year: 2002
Authors: Smagała, G., Sterliński, S., Grabowski, D., Isajenko, K., Lipiński, P., Kamińska, I., Suplińska, M., Tańczyk, R.
Title: Actions to improve systems of detection and identification of nuclear and radioactive materials involved in illicit trafficking at the territory of the country and across the borders
Journal: CLOR February 2003
Year: 2003
Authors: Smagała, G., Sterliński, S., Grabowski, D., Isajenko, K., Lipiński, P., Kamińska, I., Suplińska, M., Tańczyk, R.
Title: Handbook for the response to illicit trafficking  and/or inadvertent movement of nuclear and radioactive materials in Poland VER. 05
Journal: CLOR Annual report 2003
Year: 2003
Authors: Isajenko, K., Lipiński, P.
Title: Gamma spectrometry
Journal: Lectures for SANEPID, Rzeszów, Poland, 28 – 30 May 2003
Year: 2003
Authors: Smagała, G., Sterliński, S., Grabowski, D., Isajenko, K., Lipiński, P., Kamińska, I., Suplińska, M., Tańczyk, R.
Title: Actions to improve systems of detection and identification of nuclear and radioactive materials involved in illicit trafficking at the territory of the country and across the borders
Journal: CLOR February 2004
Year: 2004

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