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Centralne Laboratorium Ochrony Radiologicznej
Artykuły: P. Krajewski
Authors: Krajewska, G., and Krajewski, P.
Title: Thyroid monitoring system for measurement of iodine content in thyroid of occupationally exposed personel
Journal: Radiation Protection Dosimetry, vol. 89(3-4), 215-220.
Year: 2000
Authors: Liland, A.,  Borghuis, S.,  Strand, P., Mirchi, R., Malatowa, P., Krajewski, P., Varga, B.,  Trajan, S., Sanchez, A., Wright, S., and Creamer, R.
Title:  Critical groups due to dietary habits in Poland, Hungary and Czech Republic
Journal: Deliverable for the project SAVEC (Spatial Analysis of Vulnerable Areas in Central Europe), Contract Number: ERB IC15-CT98-0206, October 2000.
Year: 2000
Authors: Krajewski, P.
Title: BIOMASS (Biosphere Modelling and Assessment Methods) – International Programme of IAEA
Journal: Postępy Techniki Jądrowej, vol. 43(2), 30-33, (in polish).
Year: 2000
Title: CLRP model calculation for Scenario IPUT
Journal: Report of the BIOMASS: Remediation and Dose Reconstruction Working Group, Theme 2, BIOMASS/T2DR/WD02, IAEA.
Year: 2000
Title: Olen Case Scenario B – model description and model predictions
Journal: Report of the BIOMASS: Remediation and Dose Reconstruction Working Group, Theme 2, BIOMASS/T2DR/WD01, IAEA
Year: 2000
Authors: Nényei, A., Gillet, A.G., Wright, S.W., Creamer, R., Sanchez, A.L., Crout, N.M.J., Krajewski, P., Malatova, I., Mirchi, R., Kanyár, B.,  Somlai, J.,  Eged, K.,  Bujtás, K., Trajan, S., and Varga, B.
Title: A global comparison of critical loads for radiocaesium in Central Europe
Journal: Proceedings of 25th Annual Meeting on Radiation Protection of Health, Balatonkenese, Hungary, 30 May – 2 June 2000.         
Year: 2000
Authors: Malatova, I., Tecl, L., Mirchi, R., Foltanova, Š.,  Minařik, J., Krajewski, P., and Kanyár, B
Title: Ingestion of Cs-137 in the Czech Republic, Poland and Hungary after the Chernobyl Accident. 
Journal: Proceedings of the Conference: Days of Radiation Protection, Jachymov, Czech Republic, 28 November – 1 December 2000. 
Year: 2000
Authors: Krajewski, P., and Rosiak, L.
Title: Transfer of  radioceasium to crops from different soil types in Poland as a function of radioceasium interception potential and soil characteristics 
Journal: Postępy Techniki Jądrowej, vol. 44, Z.3,  32-50, (in polish).
Year: 2000
Authors: Krajewski, P.
Title: Reconstruction of the thyroid dose for the population of Poland after the Chernobyl accident on the development of thyroid disorders in Poland
Journal: Postępy Techniki Jądrowej, vol. 44, Z.4, 41-54. 
Year: 2001
Title: Thyroid dose reconstruction for the population of Poland after the Chernobyl accident
Journal: International Journal of Radiation Medicine, vol.3, No 1-2,69-70.
Year: 2001
Authors: Sanchez, A.L, Howard, B.J, Wright, S., Creamer, R., Kanyar, B., Krajewski, P., Malatowa, I., Liland, A.,  Crout, N., Eged, K., Nenyei, A., Somlay, J., Bujtas, K., Trajan, S., Varga, B., Mirchi, R., Skuterud, L., and  Strand, P
Title: Spatial analysis of vulnerable ecosystems in Central Europe”(SAVEC)” 
Journal: Final Report, Project: EU ERB IC15-CT98-0206,November 2001
Year: 2001
Authors: Kanyar, B., Howard, B.J, Malatowa, I., Krajewski, P., Crout, N.M.J, Sanchez, Strand, P, K., Mirchi, R., and Nenyei, A.
Title: Preliminary Results on the Spatial Analysis of Vulnerable Areas in Central Europe (SAVEC)
Journal: Proceedings of IRPA Regional Congress on Radiation Protection in Central Europe, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 20-25 May 2001, CD, 2001.
Year: 2001
Authors: Krajewska, G., Krajewski, P. 
Title: Modelling approach in Central Laboratory for Radiological Protection
Journal: Proceedings of the Seminar on Radioactive Waste, Modelling and Dose Assessment, Denmark, Risoe National Laboratory, Baltic- Danish Co-operation on Radiation Protection, 2 – 6 December 2002.
Year: 2002
Authors: Krajewski, P.
Title: Application of Monte Carlo Analysis for Assesing Radiation Doses and Risks to Humans
Journal: Decisioneering. Crystal Ball, www.crystalball.com/articles/article_index.htlm
Year: 2002
Title: SAVEC model calculation for estimation of  Cs-137 transfer from soil to food-chain in Poland
Journal: Raporty Instytutu Chemii i Techniki Jądrowej. Seria A. Technika jądrowa w przemyśle, medycynie, rolnictwie i ochronie środowiska, Nr 2, 468-472 (in polish). 
Year: 2002
Title: Transfer of radiocaesium to crops from different soil types in Poland as a function of radiocaesium interception potential and soil characteristics
Journal: Proceedings of the XXXII Annual ESNA Meeting, Warsaw, 10-14 September 2002. 
Year: 2002
Title: Implementation of the Council Directive 97/43/EURATOM on Health Protection of Individuals against the Danger of Ionising Radiation in Relation to Medical Exposure
Journal: Proceedings of the 37 Berlin Kolloquium, Berlin, 23–26 October 2002.
Year: 2002
Title: Prophylaxis  of  administration of small amounts of the iodine to avoid endemic disease of thyroid
Journal: Proceedings of the 37 Berlin Kolloquium, Berlin, 23–26 October 2002.
Year: 2002
Title: Radon at workplaces
Journal: Proceedings of the 37 Berlin Kolloquium, Berlin, 23–26 October 2002.
Year: 2002
Title: Assessments of environmental impact from ionizing radiation (ASSENVIR) 
Journal: EXPRESSION OF INTEREST FOR INTEGRATED PROJECT, Priority thematic area 2.3. Radiation Protection, Research priorities: Protection of the environment and radioecology, June, 2002. http://eoi.cordis.lu/dsp_details.cfm?ID=35413
Year: 2002
Authors: Krajewski, P., Suplińska, M. 
Title: Doses to selected seawater organisms from137Cs, 226Ra and 238,240Pu, a case study using a simple dose assessment method. 
Journal: Proceedings of the Meeting of  Project Group for Monitoring of Radioactive Substances in the Baltic Sea (HELCOM MORS-Pro 7/2002 4/9, Wilno 11-13 June 2002.
Year: 2002
Authors: Krajewski, P., L. Rosiak, L. 
Title: Transfer of radiocaesium to crops from different soil types in Poland as a function of radiocaesium interception potential and soil characteristics
Journal: XXXII Annual ESNA Meeting, Warsaw, 10-14 September 2002. 
Year: 2002
Authors: Pietrzak-Flis, Z., Krajewski, P., Radwan, I., Muramatsu, Y.
Title: Retrospective evaluation of 131I deposition density and thyroid dose in Poland after the Chernobyl accident
Journal: XXXII Annual ESNA Meeting, Warsaw, 10-14 September 2002. 
Year: 2002
Authors: Krajewski, P., Krajewska, G.
Title: New Aspects of Models’ Validation Approaches in a case of 131I Releases 
Journal: Proceedings of the  Mini-seminar on radioecology and measurement techniques, Risø National Laboratory, 8-9 September 2003.
Year: 2003
Title:  ECOSYS for EXCEL (v.1.4e) test exercise on I-131 Chernobyl data in Poland
Journal: Proceedings of the Workshop on Radioecological Modelling using ARGOS, Baltic- Danish Co-operation on Radiation Protection, Risø National Laboratory, Denmark, 10-11 October 2003.
Year: 2003
Authors: Krajewski, P.
Title: Progress in implementation of national education and training framework for the groups professionally connected with the nuclear radiation
Journal: Proceedings of the International Conference on National Infrastructures for Radiation Safety: Towards Effective and Sustainable Systems, Rabat, Morocco, 1-5 September 2003.
Year: 2003
Title: Individual Evaluation of CLRP model performance for Scenario H
Journal: Report of the Dose Reconstruction Working Group, Theme 2, IAEA-BIOMASS-5  (2003), pp.138-174 .
Year: 2003
Title: Personal Evaluation of CLRP model predictions for  Iput River Catchment’s  Area of Russia
Journal: Report of the Dose Reconstruction Working Group, Theme 2, IAEA-BIOMASS-6 (2003),pp. 124-138.
Year: 2003
Title: New framework for Radiological Protection System of Environment (in Polish), (Proposals of ICRP Task Group), 
Journal: Postępy Techniki Jądrowej vol. 46 Z.1 , 17-26, 2003.
Year: 2003
Title: EMRAS Iodine Working Group activities framework
Journal: Proceedings of the 1st Plenary and Working Group Meetings of the IAEA Programme on Environmental Modelling for RAdiation Safety (EMRAS), IAEA, Vienna, 1-5 September 2003.         
Year: 2003
Title: Radiological Protection (evaluation) (in Polish) 
Year: 2003
Authors: Pietrzak-Flis, Z, Krajewski, P, Radwan, I., Muramatsu, Y.
Title: Retrospective evaluation of 131I deposition density and thyroid dose in Poland after the Chernobyl accident
Journal: Health Phys. 2003, 84, 698-708.
Year: 2003
Authors: Krajewski, P., Suplińska, M.
Title: Doses to selected seawater organisms from 137Cs, 226Ra and 239,240Pu, A case study using a simple dose assessment method” 
Journal: Proceedings of the International Conference on the Protection of the Environment from the Effects of Ionizing Radiation, 6–10 October 2003, Stockholm, Sweden.
Year: 2003
Authors: Krajewski, P.
Title: Topic I, Frequency and effective dose of x-ray and nuclear medicine diagnostic procedures
Journal: 40th  Berlin Colloquium, 21 - 23 October 2004
Year: 2004
Title: Topic II ,Diagnostic Reference Levels
Journal: 40th  Berlin Colloquium, 21 - 23 October 2004
Year: 2004
Title: Plavsk Scenario-General Conclusions
Journal: 2nd Combined Meeting of the IAEA programe on Environmental Modeling for Radiation Safety, EMRAS, IAEA, Vienna, 8-11 November 2004
Year: 2004
Title: Testing and Validation of Dosimetry Models Using Data From Chernobyl 131I Fallout in The Plavsk Agricultural Area
Journal:  Intermediate report of 131I Working Group on the model validation and assessment of the countermeasure effectiveness of the Environmental Modelling for Radiation Safety Programme (EMRAS ), EMRAS contract # 263-MQ-408981 with National Cancer Institute 
Year: 2004
Authors: Krajewski, P., Suplińska, P., Rosiak, L.
Title: An Assessment of Cs-137, Ra-226 and Pu-239,240 doses for aquatic and terrestrial reference organisms in Poland
Journal: Proceedings of 11th International Congress of the International Radiation Protection Association, 23-28 May, 2004, N# 0506
Year: 2004
Title: Assessment of Radiation Doses From Cs-137, Ra-226 And Pu-239,240 for Aquatic and Terrestrial Reference Organisms in Poland
Journal: Report of CLOR 2002-2003, Research and operational Activities, Warszawa  2004, pp. 30-38.
Year: 2004
Authors: G. Krajewska, P. Krajewski
Title: Measurement of Iodine Content in Thyroid of Occupationally Exposed Personnel
Journal: Proceedings of 11th International Congress of the International Radiation Protection Association, 23-28 May, 2004, N#0610
Year: 2004
Authors: M. Suplińska, P. Krajewski, A. Adamczyk
Title: Kontrola Zawartości Cs-137, Ra-226, K-40 w mięsie, ryb z Południowego Bałtyku, prowadzona w ramach prac Komisji Helsińskiej HELKOM
Journal: Konferencja Naukowa pt.: "Bezpieczeństwo żywności i żywienia jako problem zdrowia publicznego w Polsce w przededniu integracji z Unią Europejską" - 29-31.10.2003 r., IŻŻ, Żywienie Człowieka i Metabolizm, Rok XXXI, Suplement 1-cz.I, Warszawa 2004
Year: 2004
Authors: Kownacka, L., Krajewski, L., Lipiński, P., Radwan, I., Suplińska, M., Kamieńska, I., Chrzanowski, E., Zabek, A.
Title: Przeprowadzenie uzupełniających pomiarów służących do oceny sytuacji radiacyjnej w otoczeniu Krajowego Składowiska Odpadów promieniotwórczych (KSOP) w Różanie
Journal: Sprawozdanie z realizacji pracy finansowanej przez PAA (3/or/2004 8.11. 2004)
Year: 2004
Authors: Krajewski, P.
Title: Zastosowanie Metod Analizy Przestrzennej SAVEC Do Określenia Obszarów O Podwyższonym Ryzyku Narażenia Ludności Polski W Skutek Migracji Pierwiastków Promieniotwórczych W Łańcuchu Pokarmowym Człowieka
Journal: Żywienie Człowieka i Metabolizm, 2004/2005, XXXI, Supl.(2), cz.1: 185-197 (4 p)
Year: 2005
Title: Problems of the Framework for Radiological Protection of Environment
Journal: EKOPARTNER 11(169)/2005:pp 28 (? p)
Year: 2005
Authors: Thiessen, K.M., Napier, B.A., Filistovic, V., Homma, T., Kanyár, B., Krajewski, P., Kryshev, A.I., Nedveckaite, T., Nényei, A., Sazykina, T.G., Tveten, U., SJÖBLOM, K.-L. and Robinson, C. 
Title: Model Testing Using Data on  131I Released from Hanford
Journal: J. Environ. Rad. (2005) 84:211-224. (20 p.)
Year: 2005
Authors: Thiessen, K.M., Sazykina, T.G., Apostoaei, A.I., Balonov, M.I., Crawford, J., Domel, R., Fesenko, S.V., Filistovic, V., Galeriu, D., Homma, T., Kanyár, B., Krajewski, P., Kryshev, A.I., Kryshev, I.I., Nedveckaite, T., Ould-Dada, Z., Sanzharova, N.I., Robinson, C., and Sjöblom
Title: Model Testing Using Data on 137Cs from Chernobyl Fallout in The Iput River Catchment Area of Russia
Journal:  J. Environ. Rad. (2005) 84:225-244. (20 p)
Year: 2005
Authors: Krajewski, P.
Title: INTERIM REPORT: chernobyl dose assessement: Testing and validation of dosimetry models using data from Chernobyl air pollution in   the Mazovia area
Journal: (Raport Grupy Roboczej Jodu Promieniotwórczego I-131 dla National Cancer Institute,  kwiecień 2006
Year: 2006
Title: Testowanie i walidacja komputerowych modeli radiologicznych jodu promieniotwórczego w ramach międzynarodowego programu badawczego EMRAS
Journal: Postepy Techniki Jadrowej PTJ 2-2006, vol.49 Z.2.
Year: 2006
Title: Ocena dawek od promieniotwórczego jodu 131- I uwolnionego po awarii w Czarnobylu,
Journal:  XXI Szkoła Jesienna  PTBR “ Czarnobyl – 20 lat później: skażenie środowiska i żywności, skutki zdrowotne, Mat. Konf. Zakopane, 9-13 października 2006 r. 
Year: 2006
Authors: Krajewski P., Krajewska G.
Title: Activity of the Working Group 3 (IWG) in 2006, The Chernobyl I-131 release: models’ validation and assessment of the countermeasures effectiveness
Journal: Wystąpienie na 4-tym Zjeździe Międzynarodowego Programu MAEA EMRAS (Environmental Modeling for Radiation Safety), 6-10 November 2006. 
Year: 2006
Title: Awaria w Czarnobylu- Inicjacja Miedzynarodowych Programow Badawczych
Journal: XXI Szkoła Jesienna  PTBR “ Czarnobyl – 20 lat później: skażenie środowiska i żywności, skutki zdrowotne, Mat. Konf.  Zakopane, 9-13 października 2006 r.
Year: 2006

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