Wersja polska English Version
Centralne Laboratorium Ochrony Radiologicznej
Artykuły: I. Kamińska
Authors: Roos, P., Kamińska, I., Chrzanowski, E. 
Title: Procedure of 228Ra determination in environmental samples by the measurement of 228Ac beta activity
Journal: Seminar on Sampling Techniques, Radiochemical Methods, Detectors and Measurements, Baltic- Danish Co-operation on Radiation Protection, Riso National Laboratory, 4-8 November 2002 
Year: 2002
Authors: Kamińska, I.
Title: Organization and the main tasks of Central Laboratory for Radiological Protection
Journal: Meeting of Project Group for harmonization of techniques and methodologies for sampling and measurement of radioactivity in the environment, 10 July 2003, Karlsruhe.
Year: 2003
Title: 228Ra determination in environmental samples by the measurement of 228Ac beta activity
Journal: Risø Baltic Training 2003, 6-12 December 2003, Risø National Laboratory.
Year: 2003
Authors: Kamińska, I., Pietrzak-Flis, Z., Chrzanowski, E.
Title: Uranium isotopes in waters and bottom sediments of rivers and lakes in Poland
Journal: Proceedings of the Conference ECOpole’03, 16-18 October 2003, Jamrozowa Polana
Year: 2003
Authors: Smagała, G., Sterliński, S., Grabowski, D., Isajenko, K., Lipiński, P., Kamińska, I., Suplińska, M., Tańczyk, R.
Title: Handbook for the response to illicit trafficking  and/or inadvertent movement of nuclear and radioactive materials in Poland VER. 05
Journal: CLOR Annual report 2003
Year: 2003
Title: Actions to improve systems of detection and identification of nuclear and radioactive materials involved in illicit trafficking at the territory of the country and across the borders
Journal: CLOR February 2003
Year: 2003
Authors: Smagała, G., Sterliński, S., Grabowski, D., Isajenko, K., Lipiński, P., Kamińska, I., Suplińska, M., Tańczyk, R.
Title: Actions to improve systems of detection and identification of nuclear and radioactive materials involved in illicit trafficking at the territory of the country and across the borders
Journal: CLOR February 2004
Year: 2004

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